Hi, my name is


I like to make things

I’m a student at Stanford University studying mechanical engineering. I enjoy tinkering in my free time, and document my projects here!


Stanford Robosub
Stanford Robosub
An underwater robotics project competing in the 2025 RoboSub Competition.
Rocket Flight Computer
Rocket Flight Computer
A versatile rocket controller with a focus on reliability and high resolution data collection.
Hoover Tower Rocket
Hoover Tower Rocket
A 5 ft tall FDM 3D printed rocket modeled after Stanford's iconic building.
Project Daedalus
Project Daedalus
Developing a rocket that will bellyflop like Starship
Motorized Couch
Motorized Couch
Stanford’s viral motorized couch
Dorm Kichen Access Lock
Dorm Kichen Access Lock
Engineering solutions to problems in my dorm
Motorized Bike
Motorized Bike
Improving my ride around campus
Fingerprint Scanner Door Lock
Fingerprint Scanner Door Lock
A dorm door lock using biometrics, so I never lock myself out
Design, Build, Fly
Design, Build, Fly
Stanford Flight Club’s Annual Competition
Giant Cardboard Airplane
Giant Cardboard Airplane
The largest cardboard airplane on the internet
Jack in the Box
Jack in the Box
A fully 3D printed Jack in the Box, featuring a 3D scan of Jack!
Monitor Stand
Monitor Stand
A monitor stand with built in charging, weightless screen adjustment, and a sleek design
Mechanical Laser Projector
Mechanical Laser Projector
Laser projector using two cams to create an image without electronics. Fabricated on a 3 axis CNC.


Mechanical Engineering Intern - Astranis
June 2024 - September 2024

I was matched with Astranis through the Matthew Isakowitz Fellowship. I contributed to development of the block 2 vehicle and future Omega program. Specifically, I:

  • Designed an electric propulsion thrust stand
  • Developed tests to recreate a deployment failure
  • Developed better motor testing infrastructure
  • Worked interdisciplinarily with electrical engineering to design an electronics enclosure for radiation shielding
Mechanical Engineering Intern - Joby Aviation
June 2023 - September 2023

I worked on the Joby Battery Mechanical team developing high specific energy batteries for aviation. I:

  • Reduced weight and improved strength of battery terminals
  • Designed a test fixture to simulate battery expansion during the end of life
  • Developed a test to simulate high temperature breakdown of dielectric materials during thermal runaway
  • Created an automated system for measuring thermal resistance of contact materials
Hardware Engineering Intern - Argo AI
June 2022 - Aug 2022

I worked on the hardware team at Argo, where I helped to test and characterize sensors for autonomous vehicles. I:

  • Design an enclosure for testing cameras without light interference
  • Designed an automated system for testing and calibrating LIDAR sensors
  • Redesigned lidar calibration targets for different materials
Operations Manager - SSI
April 2023 - April 2024

I led the Stanford Student Space Initiative’s operations team. During the role, I:

  • Hosted a roadtrip over thanksgiving to tour aerospace companies around California
  • Coordinated SSI social events
  • Helped managed the SSI budget and finances
  • Developed better workspace organization and safety practices
  • Built Slack bots to track workspace cleaning, member attrition, and card access
Mechanical Team Lead - StanfordAUV
Jan 2024 - Present

I helped start the Stanford Autonomous Underwater Vehicle team, and have led the mechanical team through the design and build of two vehicle. I:

  • Conducted trade studies on vehicle design
  • Developed size, buoyancy, and financial budgets
  • Taught new members Fusion 360 and design for manufacturing
  • Designed and built the electronics enclosure
President - Stanford Flight Club
June 2022 - June 2023

I led the Stanford Flight Club through a year of growth and competition. I:

  • Brought back the Design, Build, Fly competition team
  • Recruited new members through events and greater campus presence
  • Developed project grants for funding student projects
Co-Founder - Moonshot
September 2022 - Present

I helped to create the Stanford Moonshot Club, a student organization dedicated to helping students develop and execute their own projects. I:

  • Ran a workshop on 3D modeling
  • Hosted build events
  • Connected interested students to campus resources, funding opportunities, and mentors
  • Contributed to projects including the motorized couch, lake lag raft, and kids jeep

Get in Touch

Reach out to me! I’m always looking for new opportunities and connections. Emails to this address will be forwarded to my inbox.